Unlock Dr. Jaban Moore’s Top 10 Tips for Resolving Trauma eGuide, and take your next steps on the trauma healing journey!

Top 10 Tips for Resolving Trauma eGuide

Save your FREE seat for Resolved: Healing Nervous System and Trauma-Driven Illness, May 20-26, 2024, and gain access to your FREE trauma resolution tips below!

Whether it's dealing with a difficult breakup, the loss of a loved one, or experiencing a frightening event, trauma can happen to anyone.

If trauma is impacting your life and your health, it’s important to recognize that you are not alone, because knowing that others have been through similar struggles can help you feel less isolated and more understood.

In this eGuide, Dr. Jaban shares 10 empowering tips for your trauma recovery journey – along with links to supportive resources, community and programs to help you get started.

Remember: Healing takes time and it’s ok to ask for help along the way!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Resolved: Healing Nervous System and Trauma-Driven Illness taking place on May 20-26, 2024 -- over 40 experts teaching you more about the root causes of nervous system dysfunction and its intricate link to chronic illness!

This event is hosted by

Jaban Moore

Jaban Moore, DC

Dr. Jaban Moore is a chiropractor in Kansas City, Missouri, who works virtually with clients around the world. At age 25, he went from being an award-winning top athlete in college to feeling like he couldn’t even get out of bed. He went to a lot of appointments looking for answers and spent what felt like endless amounts of money on tests and appointments, but doctors only wanted to give him temporary solutions. He later was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and now dedicates his practice to helping clients get to the root cause of their chronic illness.

Dr. Moore specializes in Lyme disease and co-infections, PANS/PANDAS, autism, heavy metals, parasites, gut health, mitochondrial support, and other viruses and pathogens. He launched the Facebook group True Healing Strategies, where he posts educational, live videos and hosts a free 10-Week Find Your Root Cause and HEAL series. He also hosted a successful summit, Parasites: The Missing Link to Chronic Illness, in 2021.

Sinclair Kennally

Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC

As an expert on chronic digestive orders, Sinclair Kennally has apprenticed with world-leading functional medicine pioneers and believes that toxins are the root cause of our health epidemics today. She is the host of Your Health Reset podcast, the CEO of Detox RejuveNation and co-founder of MeditationRx.

Both she and her partner, Michael Spandel, are survivors of complex chronic illness and had to learn how to heal themselves. They have turned that pain into their mission, and now help thousands of people to free themselves from digestive issues and chronic illness and get back to who they truly are.