Building Resilience in Children to Prevent Trauma-Driven Illness with Elisa Song, MD

What you'll learn from this expert talk:

  • How trauma impacts children's health
  • The epigenetic effects of prenatal trauma
  • A holistic pediatric approach to healing the effects of trauma

Elisa Song

Dr. Elisa H. Song founded Whole Child Wellness, a holistic pediatric practice, in 2005. She graduated with distinction from Stanford University. Dr. Song attended NYU School of Medicine and trained in pediatrics at UCSF Medical Center. She earned a master’s degree in public policy from UC Berkeley. Dr. Song has additional training in functional medicine/holistic nutrition, homeopathy and bio-therapeutic drainage, traditional Chinese medicine, and herbal medicine. She is board-certified in pediatrics and holistic medicine and is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Dr. Song is a DAN! practitioner.

Dr. Song integrates allopathic (conventional) pediatrics with complementary and alternative medicine to meet the unique physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of each child. She believes in the innate healing capacity of each child’s body and mind, and that her role is to facilitate this process through a holistic, integrative approach.