EMFs Are "Zapping" Your Nervous System with Nicolas Pineault

What you'll learn from this expert talk:

  • Are cell phones, Wi-Fi routers and Bluetooth devices "safe"? 
  • Top sources of EMFs in everyday life
  • How to minimize the impacts of wireless devices on your nervous system

Nicolas Pineault

Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault (*like the wine*) is the #1 bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach blending humor, science and common sense, he’s becoming a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health.

For the last few years, Pineault has been interviewing some of the best minds in health and technology and facilitating the creation of courses and educational materials to raise awareness on this very important issue.