Nervous System Sequencing to Heal Trauma and Move Out of Cell Danger Response with Cathleen King, DPT

What you'll learn from this expert talk:

  • The importance of sequencing when it comes to trauma work and nervous system healing
  • Connection between cell danger response, trauma and complex chronic illness
  • Why supplements and protocols alone often fail if you have a history of trauma and chronic stress

Cathleen King

Dr. Cathleen King is a doctor of physical therapy who loves teaching neuroscience principles. She is an intuitive mind-body practitioner, mom, and the founder and CEO of the Primal Trust™ Academy & Community. Her superpower is helping people with chronic health conditions to see the patterns that have bound them, regulate their nervous systems through a multifaceted brain-body approach, and create transformational life changes.

Dr. King found her own liberation from over a decade of debilitating chronic Lyme disease, mold illness, microbiome imbalance, CFS, PTSD, and a host of other challenges that left her mainly bed-bound in a dark room. After unlocking her own healing through neuroplasticity-based methods and her own intuitive approach, she created the Primal Trust™ Academy & Community to combine the latest neuroscience education, wisdom from mind-body leaders, top-down brain retraining, and bottom-up somatic healing techniques to help others reclaim vibrant health.

Her program and style have the vibe of challenging the status quo, while also co-existing with other methodologies. Her courses interweave biomedical teaching and neuroscience with both ancient and modern mind-body wisdom.