Your Psyche Makes or Breaks Your Health with Eva Detko, PhD, MSc, BA

What you'll learn from this expert talk:

  • Connection between the psyche and the physical body
  • How the development of embryonic layers relates to psychological/emotional conflicts and disease 
  • What are the best tools to work with this?

Eva Detko

Dr. Eva Detko is a natural healthcare practitioner, speaker and author of The Sovereign Health Solution: Heal the Psycho-Energetic Root Causes of Chronic Illness. She has studied natural medicine and the human mind for 23 years. Having successfully recovered from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and reversed Hashimoto's thyroiditis, she now helps others recover their health. 

Dr. Detko has extensive knowledge and experience in the fields of human physiology, biochemistry, nutritional science and bioenergetics. She also uses a wide range of mind-transforming modalities, including Havening Techniques®, psychoanalysis, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, NLP, transactional analysis and applied psychoneuroimmunology.